I'm thrilled to announce that all our airports have received free updates to support Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 on Orbx! In addition, I'm happy to announce that 1G4 - Grand Canyon West has received some significant updates for MSFS2020/2024 as well!
To get the updates, in your Orbx Central application, switch the sim to MSFS 2024, then search for the airport. You'll see it as a separate product available for "purchase" with a price of $0.00. From there, you install just like you would any product.
There's a lot to cover here - it's pretty long... so I apologize in advance 😅.
Update Scope
These updates are focused on compatibility - not features. Currently packages are operating in the 2020 compatibility mode. The main impact of this is while pavement is higher resolution, it retains the 2020 detail textures. 2024 has implemented a system for custom detail textures, which I'd love to implement, however, these features cannot yet be implemented in my workflow using the current SDK/toolset. Microsoft has acknowledged this gap in capability and has indicated they're actively working on it. I am eagerly awaiting these improvements so as to fully utilize MSFS 2024's ground system.
There have been numerous changes in order to make these packages compatible with 2024.
1G4 had significant vegetation changes to blend with the new vegetation
KBLU has had tree size changes, and a biome change for better blending, and removal of oversized redwood trees
KSEZ has had pavement texture replacements, it's ortho was trimmed for better blending, and vegetation modified to blend with the new trees.
KDEN has had new exclusion zones added for better compatibility with conflicting packages, and jetways were modified to work with 2024's changed model attachment system
KWYS had ortho added to the airport to hide new construction (more on this below), terrain fixes so platforms still align in 2024, new 3d people that actually look good (unlike the early 2000 graphics era looking people models we had before 😅), and pavement was replaced in the 2024 version.
Lots of other small changes and improvements
1G4 Improvements
As has been the habit at X-Codr Designs, products are updated to utilize new techniques, and improve quality as my work improves. 1G4 has for some time been on the todo list for some time... and it's finally happened! I'm happy to announce that 1G4 has received a significant quality update! Some of the improvements you can expect are:
Fully remodeled glass Skywalk bridge
Significant texture improvements for Skywalk complex
New 3D people taking in the stunning view on the Skywalk
Significant texture improvements for most airport buildings
Remodeled northern equipment sheds
Remodeled east fire station
Modest ground texture improvements
Updated helipad layout
Various other small improvements
This update is available now for MSFS 2020, and 2024 on Orbx, and I am working to make it available on the MSFS marketplace and for X-Plane!
KWYS Future
Earlier I mentioned I added ortho to hide new construction at KWYS... why? Well, in the past few years, West Yellowstone Airport has undergone some significant changes! Some of the biggest changes include: Significant pavement and marking changes have been made, the under-construction hangar (currently shown in the scenery) has been completed, the FBO has been expanded, a new tank is being constructed, and biggest of all, a brand-new terminal is under construction, slated for opening in 2025!
I am happy to inform you that work has begun on implementing all these changes into our rendition of West Yellowstone, as well as significantly improving quality across the board! This will be a free update in 2025, so stay tuned to our website and Discord to learn more!
Sedona Red Rocks... ...
If you've looked at the default terrain at Sedona, you've no doubt noticed the geometry of the rock formations are quite stunning. The textures on the other hand, well, aren't. There's nothing Microsoft can do, that's just the nature of orthoimagery.
This leaves me in a bit of a hard position for Sedona Red Rocks. My textures are dramatically better, and some geometry is much better, but some is also worse. Blending with the default terrain was a challenge in 2020, and with the dramatically higher detail in 2024, will be significantly harder. So, currently I am trying to decide what to do with Sedona Red Rocks, whether that be a full port, porting it and reducing the scope, or some other option. If you have any feedback on this, I'd love to hear it!
Known Issues
MSFS 2024 represents a very large change in MSFS's systems, especially in how ground textures work. As such, it's expected that there will be some growing pains. I'm confident in time MS will work out these bugs, and I have no doubt you'll have a good experience with my products in MSFS 2024, I believe it's important to inform you of the known issues.
KSEZ: Alpha blending is disabled on orthoimagery, so there is a hard cut off in places. Trees also won't exist in some places, for seemingly no reason
KDEN: Ortho is disabled due to loading issues, so parking lots are not as nice as they were. Jetway hoods also do not conform to the aircraft
KBLU: No known issues
KWYS: The sim is whitewashing ortho (despite it being uncannily green). Same happens to MSFS's ortho. Pavement also has lots of snow being blown by aircraft engines.
Future Projects!
Overall, despite some of the challenges, I'm very excited about the potential of MSFS 2024! But I'm also very excited about the future of X-Plane, with the upcoming Laminar Research Store, Next Gen Scenery, and various graphics improvements in the works! And lastly, I would be remiss to not mention that I will continue to develop for, and support MSFS2020 products.
So, for all those sims, upcoming we have the above mentioned update for KWYS, a small update planned for KDEN for the most recent changes made to concourse A, a major update for AEP for X-Plane, and, a new small airport for X-Plane, and MSFS2020/2024!
I leave you off with this small preview of the new airport Identifying text has been pixelated, so if you think you know what airport this is, let me know in Discord!

Thank you all for your patience while waiting for the MSFS 2024 updates, and for a great year of flight simulation! We wish you all smooth flights and will see you next year with exciting new updates and releases!